Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day Intentions

I really do try to think hard about making Father's Day special for Jason.  I always have the best intentions of making the day all about him.  The kids and I were going to let Jason sleep in on Sunday while we made his favorite cheese grits.  Turned out our kids actually slept in that day and we woke up with little time to spare before we had to be out the door for church.  So he had to settle for his usual piece of jelly toast and coffee prepared for him.  So next church.  Then lunch.  If it were Mother's Day, I would love to get to pick a restaurant and be treated to no preparation or clean up.  But Jason doesn't even enjoy eating out with our kids.  He considers it stressful and expensive.  So a treat to him would be eating at home.  Not exactly my idea of a special treat, but OK.  I asked him if he wanted to go play golf to have some time for himself.  I would enjoy that on Mother's Day, a little time to myself.  He said he'd rather spend time with us.  OK. Then there's his gift.  I did have the kids make him something pretty cute.  They painted pictures on canvas with their handprints.  It was suppossed to go in our toilet room so he could see it all the time.  But then I liked it so much, I decided to hang it in their bathroom.   I guess I kind of took his gift away.  So pretty much the day ended up being like any other day.  Nothing too special.  Of course, he didn't have a single complaint about it.  I did have the best of intentions, though.  Does that count?

The top one is supposed to be butterflies and the bottom one is our family tree.  Each apple as our name on it.