Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hey Grandmomma, Look What I Made!

I have just completed sewing the first outfit that I can actually let Amelia wear out of the house!  OK, I guess I've let her wear a few of my experiments before but they all were pretty rough.  This time I actually started with a pattern.  I added the ruffles at the leg without the pattern so they are on a learning curve.  I just love the fabric from Michael Miller.  So cute! Each project I get a little bit better.  I remember when I could barely sew a straight line.  Oh how far I've come!


Unknown said...

When will Bekah's outfit be ready? LOL! I really love the outfit....it is super cute!

Anonymous said...

Her outfit is sooooo cute!! I can't believe you have time to do stuff like that. You are truly super mom! :)

Leana :)

Amanda said...

WOW! You are so good, Beverly. I really need to learn how to use my machine that is collecting dust!