Monday, September 1, 2008

A Full House

This Labor Day weekend had all sorts of unexpected and surprising plan changes. We were planning on having my sister and her family for the weekend so they could attend my nephews nearby soccer tournament. We knew we wouldn't see them too much but were looking forward to the evenings with them. Friday afternoon my sister called and said that they would only be coming for Friday night because Raul wouldn't be able to miss church on Sunday after all, you know, being the youth minister and all.

So, we were able to have a visit from our friends the Justus Family. Jason and I met them when they lived here a couple of years ago. They have since moved to Charleston. We have been up there to see their beautiful new home once and they made it down here this past December. We were so happy they were up for the 8 hour drive for another quick visit. They have a son, David, that is Amelia's age and another sweet boy, Dawson, that is just a few months older than Owen. The kids had a great rowdy time pushing every loud toy around the house and going for numerous golf cart rides. We already had a sitter scheduled for Saturday night before we even knew they were coming, so it was so nice to go out with just the grown-ups. Our friends Meg and Kris joined us too, also looking for a grown up night away from their 11 month triplets. We had a lot of fun all weekend just watching the kids play and enjoying each other at nights when the kids were all in bed. Jason and I had to put a hurting on them in our favorite card game Spades. It was ugly!

My nephew did really well in the soccer tournament so he and my sister ended up coming back here every night. I think we had people sleeping in every possible location in our home. Owen was in a pack and play in Jason's closet. Amelia was on a pallet in my closet. My nephew was on an air mattress in the office. Gina was on Amelia's bed. Lane was in his bed. Dave, Daya and David were in the guest room and their son Dawson was in a pack and play in the guest bathroom. It was a full house! The more the merrier, I say.

We also had another special guest all weekend. George. Curious George, that is. Amelia was so excited it was her turn to bring George and his suitcase home from school for the weekend. She was to take George everywhere she went over the weekend. And she did. I had to explain to her why he was not allowed at the dinner table or on the potty with her. She was to take a picture of herself doing something special with George. Her friend David gave her the idea of tracing him when she saw him tracing his special stuffed dog. She also had to write a caption of the picture. She wrote, "I tracd Gorg." (I traced George). She is presently lying in bed dreading the fact that she has to give him back to her classroom tomorrow.

I am really looking forward to the week ahead. Some highlights that I am anticipating are:

  • starting my bible study, Beth Moore's Daniel, tomorrow morning
  • Girl's Night out Thursday night
  • Having Jason home almost all week
  • Having Stacie and Cliff over for the Gator game

I love having fun things to look forward to!


Daya said...

Thanks for having us! We had such a blast. It is amazing how quickly we can all reconnect even though we only get to visit each other once or twice a year! We are already planning a time when we can visit again just so we can avenge ourselves! Just kidding, but we will be looking forward to seeing you guys again! Love, The Justus Family