Saturday, December 20, 2008


Amelia was a donkey in her Christmas pageant, A Wiggly Nativity.  There was a whole song about donkeys during which she walked Mary and Joseph up on stage to the manger scene.  She was a very enthusiastic donkey.  The whole time she was on stage, she either had a huge smile on her face or she was yawning.  I guess the excitement wore her out.  I was sure to charge the camcorder so we could get the whole thing recorded.  So it goes, there was no room left on the camera and we weren't able to record the show.  That has never happened to us before.  We've had the camera for over a year and that was the first time it has been full.  Time to erase some footage, I suppose.  Anyway, we got a lot of pictures to make up for not having the camcorder.