Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Random Ramblings

Beautiful Sky

The sky was remarkably beautiful tonight. I looked up as I was walking the trash to the curb and it took me by surprise. It seems like it has been a long while since the sky was not covered with clouds. The stars were bright and clear. It was the most enjoyable time I have ever had taking out the trash.

A Few Shout-Outs

What do people do without friends? Once again, I am overwhelmed (in a good way) by the way my friends come along beside me when I am overwhelmed (in a bad way). I just have to acknowledge some people this week who have either made my life easier or made my chaos happy.

  • Jen and Lori-thank you for meeting me out on Friday night very spur of the moment. It was one of those, "If I don't get out of my house VERY SOON I am going to lose it" moments. I was prepared to go alone but was so delighted to be encouraged by these wonderful friends.
  • Stacie-thank you for eliminating one of my most dreaded parts of the day (4pm to 7pm) by meeting us out for dinner one night. That poor waitress-"Two adults and four children, please". You could barely see the carpet by the time we left for all the food Owen dropped on the floor. Yes, I was THAT mom whose children were climbing back and forth under the booth and touching the people who were eating behind us. So what?
  • Jo-thank you for allowing me to go to a doctors appointment with just one child. It was strangely peaceful and easy. I loved it. I appreciated most that my boys didn't have to miss their nap making the rest of the evening even more hellacious for me. And, Happy Birthday, once again.
  • Lori-thanks for the fun night tonight. I'm not sure why cranky screaming kids just don't seem so bad when you're with someone else and their cranky screaming kids. Not really, it was just mine. But, you get what I'm saying. I heart you.
  • Kelli and Meg-I guess I don't have anything specific except that you always welcome me into your home and don't even mind when I consume your whole morning. This particular week it was Kelli all Wednesday morning and Meg all tomorrow morning. A very planned social calendar makes going it alone much more bearable.

A Few More Meaningless Results @ Amelia

Two more test results came back today. I don't even know why I'm sharing them with you because I don't understand them and have no idea how they relate to anything. Here they are nonetheless:

  • Her post crichoid biopsy (absolutely positive I spelled that wrong) came back showing no evidence of reflux. Hmmmm. The last time she was hospitalized for the ph probe she did show reflux. So, is it just because she's been on medicine that it showed no reflux? The nurse didn't know so you can be sure that I don't. But, I guess it means that she isn't aspirating her reflux into her lungs which would rule out that being the cause of her chronic cough. Of course, we already know from the previous results that the resistent bacteria would be the cause of the cough so this really doesn't give us any new information.
  • The biopsy they did on her cilia (the things [things?] that move mucous properly out of her nose) are disoriented. Again, the nurse had no idea what this meant because she said it wasn't a test they typically do. So, they are sending the results to the pulmonologist to review. I Googled it and I still don't really know what it means. But, it was related to upper respitory infection. I'm sure this will somehow connect to the bacteria in her lungs but I'm not sure how.

Sorry for the randomness of this post. Those of you who had high hopes for something interesting and inspired to read every day have long sense given up. It's just a day in my life with an occasional funny story mixed in. That's all I've got.


juliannabelle said...

If she's on medicine for reflux, and the second test showed there wasn't reflux... then the medicine would seem to be working (at least this is how I'd read it).
As for 'disoriented' cilia. That's a new one for me. The cilia are supposed to brush secretions up and out, so perhaps they are brushing the secretions in the wrong direction, or just not able to get them going in any direction (b/c disoriented), and this contributed to her getting the cough?
Not sure if this helps, but maybe...
Julie Anne

P.S. On a completely unrelated subject- where do you find the great big bows for Amelia's hair? I've been looking around for some, but can't seem to find any large ones.