Monday, January 5, 2009

Why Bother?

Today, while I was being super productive and working very hard to make my room look like this......

and my closet look like this..... (usually you can't see the floor)

My children were effortlessly making my living room look like this.....
And their bedroom look like this.....

Seriously, why bother?


Unknown said...

Beverly, my home STILL looks like the last two photos and my ONE child is not yet moving from her belly! You inspire me to get things organized!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures could be my home most days! You're not alone! :) And I've definitely had that thought, why bother, many times! Still I try...

juliannabelle said...

If it make you feel any better, my closet has never looked like yours! I can only dream...
Julie Anne

juliannabelle said...

oops, I just realized I made a typo- should have been "makes you feel better".

Amanda said...

Ha! Mine looks like that and Ella can't really do it all by herself! :)