Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big School

This week I have sent two of my children to "big school" for the first time. Amelia has started kindergarten and Lane has started pre-K at Williams Elementary School. You may remember my quandry about public vs. private/home school earlier in the year. My heart was feeling a peace about sending Amelia to public school for some unexplainable reason-I had been leaning against public school for the few previous years. Thank goodness my heart went that way because the other school option ended up falling through anyway, at least for this year.

So everyone asked me, "did you cry to send her to kindergarten?" and with that answer being a big fat "no" came so many emotions. Why didn't I feel sad? What's wrong with me? Where is that mommy gene? But honestly, Amelia was so excited. She was jumping up and down the night before singing, "I am so excited I get to go to kindergarten tomorrow!" The morning of, she was up, fed, and dressed by 7:15 and we didn't need to leave until 8. I was so filled with excitment for her. I quieted that guilty voice inside me that wants to make me feel like less of a mom because I didn't cry by explaining that I wasn't void of emotion or sentiment-I was just feeling the excitement she felt.

Lane is another story. Most of the time I feel really confident about my decision to send him to school this year. I weighed all the options heavily and felt like I made the best decision for him and for our family. Initially, I was just going to send him to a regular preschool three mornings a week, like I did with Amelia at this age. After last year, I wasn't sure how I was going to juggle this with his speech therapy schedule. He would have needed to be up at the elementary school three times a week for outpatient therapy. By the time you add that with three days of preschool and kindergarten pick up and drop off, I may as well have never gotten out of my car all day. I just felt like that wasn't the best time spent with any child. Sending Lane to Williams, allows him to be in a preschool program where he will be getting his speech therapy at the same time. Not to mention it's free. And that makes the time I have with Owen at home each day valuable rather than a non-stop taxi ride. There were other things I weighed also, like knowing that Lane's teacher is absolutely fabulous. That voice does creep in a couple times a day, "I can't believe you are sending your 3 year old to school for a full day!" But for now I have to go with the decision I made and try to keep that voice at bay.

The last three days of school have already proven to be eventful. Amelia has already gotten her behavior clip moved from green to yellow. I guess we didn't even have a honeymoon period. It seems she has already become infatuated with this little boy Nicholas, who she wants to marry, and is found not following directions from the teacher because she is too busy vying for his attention. Mom does not find this cute or humorous, but very irritating that she is drawn to the people in class that are less than mild mannered. Why doesn't she come home talking about the sweet little Briley in her class that I'm sure wouldn't dare do anything to get her clip moved? Let's just hope this is a bumpy start and not a sign of what's to come!

I would post pictures of the first days of school but my Mac is down right now and it has all my pictures on it. I'll post some in a few days.


Mom said...

Finally, someone who admits that kids starting school is an exciting happy event. I enjoyed it when you kids entered another phase of your lives. It's not like you're loosing Amelia. She is evolving into the person she will be, and that is always an exciting ride, in my opinion. I think it is a positive thing to enjoy your children at every stage of their development, not just the cute baby stages. I also always thought I should feel guilty for not being weepy. I can understand being somewhat nostalgic and feeling temporarily saddened by the change, but overall, just enjoy each step of the way. Then you can end up with adult children who like you and are actually your friends. That has always been my goal.

It will be interesting to see how Lane tolerates not getting that afternoon nap.


PrayerLifeco said...

Lily has been LOVING kindergarten. So far no moving of her frog. I think this is partially due to the fact that she sits at the same table as the naughtiest girl in class (I have repeatedly told her "She is NOT your friend!") Lily can only look like an angel next to spaz girl! I did tear up when we dropped her off which is so NOT me. Then I started my period that afternoon. Coincidence? I think not. Can you believe our girls are in Kindergarten? Can you believe I have known YOU since we were in Kindergarten together? crazy!

The Potters said...

Well I can kind of feel for you. We dropped Ava off at Preschool on Tuesday and she was in the same boat. For about the past two weeks she has been so excited to go. Blog stalking you, I think you have made a good choice for your little man. Sounds like his time will be well spent and from a teacher's point of view, if he's adjusting fine... there's your sign of the right choice. Also, I love that your daughter is crushing on a boy already! Taker care,