Friday, July 18, 2008

A Little Help From My Niece

I have had my niece here since Sunday. Every summer for years, I have kept some combination of my sister's children for some portion of the week while she goes to Centrifuge youth camp. Over the years the dynamics of having them here have changed. When I was single or without children, I was the super fun aunt that took them to movies and countless outings. I, of course, loved these years as I got a little glimpse of what having children of my own would be like. I'm afraid as I have had children, the fun factor for my nieces and nephew has died down a little. Now we have baby schedules to work around, early bed times, and the fact that my attention isn't undividedly (is that a word) on them. Can you even imagine me trying to take them all to a movie. Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind. I mean, I even want to see Kit Kiterick. But how on earth am I going to juggle my 2 year old and 9 month old? It's not happening! I am still glad I get to have this time with them, nonetheless.

This year, the visit has gone extremely well. I guess we have hit the age where my niece is able to "play down" to Amelia's level and Amelia is old enough to slightly "play up" to an 8 year old's rules.

Here are just a few benefits I've enjoyed about her visit:

  • I don't have to get up off my lazy behind to close all the doors that my crawling explorer is attempting to get into. She does that for me-without even having to ask her! This morning I was sitting there drinking my cup of coffee thinking I could definitely get used to this. I didn't have to get up 12 times before my first cup of coffee.

  • While shopping, she can push an extra cart for Amelia and Lane so I actually have a place to put the groceries.

  • She doesn't question my every word (like my 4 year old). You know, she trusts me. Like when I told her that it was her mom's birthday today, which I well know is July 25, she just believes me. She calls up her mom to give her well wishes. After hanging up the phone she kindly reports that we are on the wrong week of the calendar. This was rather humorous to me. How on earth have I been a week off all week long?

  • Visits to Chick-fil-A run much smoother. Like, I don't have to rely on the kindness of perfect strangers to get my 2 year old out of the top of the play set. I don't have to resort to threatening my children, "Lane, if you don't come down from there RIGHT NOW there WILL BE a consequence when we get in the car!". Consequence translation: a spanking of a lifetime. You know the voice. It's that fake calm voice that somehow makes a whisper seem scary. Not that I've ever done this. I'm just saying. Anyway, I didn't have to go there this time at our lunchtime outing. My niece just went up and got him.

I'm sure there are more examples. But that's all I've got right now. Those of you who spaced your children out-I get it. It IS a bit easier. You have built in help. I see the benefits. It's all clear to me now!


Amanda said...

You are so funny! Zach and I were thinking we would try again when Ella was a year old. Now I am asking myself if we should re-think??? :)