Friday, July 18, 2008

The Seven Year Itch?

This week, Jason and I celebrated our seven year anniversary. I guess there is that saying about the seventh year being difficult. I actually think we had our "itch" a little earlier because these days we seem to be smooth sailing. I can actually say that I understand Jason more today than I did earlier in our marriage. This is saying a lot! There were times when I thought understanding was a distant, unattainable concept.

Here are just a few things Jason and I have learned from each other over the years:

  • Jason has learned my three syllable grunt is as close to "Good Morning" as he's going to get until I've had my first cup of coffee.

  • I've learned that handing Jason the screaming infant I can tolerate no longer isn't exactly the way he'd like to be welcomed home. Allowing him a few minutes to take off his suit and check his email before he rescues me is beneficial to the rest of our evening.

  • Jason has learned that surveying the messy house with his eyes and following that up with, "So what have you done all day?" is not the most productive way to get open communication about our hectic day. (I know he still thinks it!)

  • I've picked up on a few verbal cues that give me opportunity to escape upcoming conflict. For instance, if we are about to all get in my car, Jason asks, "Does your car need attention?". This is the verbal cue I need to run out ahead of him and remove the fast food drink that has now filled the cup holder with sweat, the empty bottle Owen threw down on the floor board, the chicken nugget Amelia dropped, and the various trash that has accumulated in the passenger seat over the last week. He knows it was there five minutes before we leave, but somehow it is enough to avoid the fight. I still get an eye roll. I can live with that. He's come a long way.

  • Jason has learned not to refer to his time with the kids as babysitting. They're your children honey! That's not babysitting. It's called parenting.

  • I have learned that taking out some meat to thaw for dinner, even if having no earthly idea what I plan to do with it, makes Jason feel like I am very organized and thoughtful. Often I am still figuring out what I will do with it even as it is browning on top of the stove. But somehow, something edible ends up on the table and my husband is so appreciative as if I've cooked a gourmet meal.

  • Jason has learned the happiness it brings me when he throws his ten Equal sugar packets in the trash rather than leaving them in front of the coffee pot. What? You mean, the messy one has no right to get irritated with the neat freak one? Oh, come on! Even I have those little quirky things that get on my nerves. I mean, if the kitchen is clean, why can't you pick up those little pieces of paper and throw them in the trash?

O.K., so maybe these things aren't that serious. I'm sure from these silly little examples, deeper things have been learned. I will just say that I am so thankful he is my husband. I am so thankful that in this hectic and joyous time of toddlers, we still value and prioritize our time alone together. I am thankful that he loves imperfect, messy, disorganized, sometimes unloveable me.

I am also thankful that almost every person that was special to us seven years ago and took part in our wedding is still special to us today. We value your love and friendships and look forward to you being a part of our lives when we celebrate our 50th anniversary. I attached my favorite song from our wedding to take you all back!


PrayerLifeco said...

Love bullet three as Ryan is prone to saying the same thing. One time I asked if he would like me to fill out a work report for him with minute by minute of our daily activities including bathroom breaks. He has cut back on saying that...and in our house it is the box of Kashi Go Lean that can not find it's way back into the pantry instead of the Equal packets. But it has been over twelve years now and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Who would have thought that this long haired, earring wearing, VW bus driving surfer/party animal would have been such a great husband, hard worker, dad? My friends who didn't know us when we got married crack up everytime I mention the fact that Ryan had long hair.