Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A New Experience

Yesterday I had a new experience: a calm, quiet, doctor's appointment for Amelia. You guessed it, I got a sitter so I could actually carry on a civilized conversation with the doctor. It was marvelous. I had my 8 year old niece with me keeping Amelia occupied during the time the doctor was in the room. They actually sat there and whispered. Wow! I much prefer this type of doctor's office experience.

Nothing too exciting to share from the appointment with the ENT (the third specialist we've now seen for this crazy chronic cough of Amelia's). He definitely thought it was time to go inside and take a look (scope her, he called it) but he didn't want to step on the pulmonologist's feet so maintained that the bronchoscapy was a good place to start. I tried to be aggressive with my line of questioning (the right questions often don't occur to me until I've left the doctor's office) but I still didn't get the great epiphany from the doctor that I was looking for. I will know more about our next step next Monday when the pulmonologist returns from vacation.

You know how people say you forget the pain of childbirth soon after it's over? (This doesn't apply to me on my last two since I had a wonderful epidural experience.) Nonetheless, this forgetting the negative soon after it's over is just what happens to me as it relates to my daughter on Oripred (the oral steroid they give her to quick-fix her lungs). I tend to remember it as making her better for several weeks. What I forget (no more will I forget) is that it makes her psycho. I mean, an emotional wreck! She is on a puddle on the floor crying hysterically at the smallest incident. It is really sad, actually. I find myself cursing the drug and working hard to be patient with her all at the same time. We only have two more days of it and I am looking forward to the drug free days ahead!

Another thing you forget after it passes is hard stages in infancy. Owen is in one. Jason says Lane went through a stage just like this but I really don't remember it at all. Owen is basically not happy unless he is being held. Then, moments after you pick him up he wants down again only to start fussing to be picked up. I always thought I would never say one of my children was driving me crazy but clearly that was a thought I had before I actually had children. Owen is driving me crazy. I love the little guy, no doubt. But please, please- BE HAPPY. If he wasn't already on an antibiotic for an ear infection, I would think possible there was something wrong with him. With that base covered, I am left with the ambiguous, "Maybe he's teething". Jason and I have been saying that for three months now. One of these days we're going to be right. The kid has to get a tooth eventually!


PrayerLifeco said...

Girl they should give you a frequent shopper card for the pediatrician. Hope you have fun at the beach. We are staying at a house on Anna Maria for the first full week in August. If you want to, come over during the week. It is a block from the beach and it has a pool since the kids get tired of the beach.