Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Housekeeper Rationale

We have a housekeeper. Not because we have tons of money and can necessary afford this luxury. But because it is cheaper than marital counseling. That's my big joke with my friends. It's actually true, though.

I mention this because tonight I am prepping my house for her. Each time she comes I am amused at the irony of me cleaning my house for my house to be cleaned. I mean there is not one thing out of place when she comes. Every toy in my child's closets are organized, the dishes are unloaded, the bathroom counter tops are cleared, the laundry is put away. To some this sounds senseless. To me it makes perfect sense. I do not have a housekeeper to give me the licence to be lazy. I have a housekeeper because no matter how hard I try I cannot get the picking up and the deep cleaning to happen at the same time. I can do one or the other. I can spend my few free moments in the day picking up the enormous amounts of clutter that accumulates throughout the day (which I do) or I can scrub my toilets, dust, and mop. It is irritatingly unsatisfying (to me and my husband) to have clean toilets when the rest of the house is a disaster. Unsatisfying to me who did the work only to still have a messy house and to my husband who comes home and can't tell anything was even done. Those of you who know [or are related to] Jason and his high need for order understand why we have a house cleaner.

I have a few very career oriented friends who have made comments like, "You're a stay at home mom, why on earth do you need a housekeeper?". To that I have to say I feel like I need the help far more than you do! I mean, you actually leave your house every morning at 7 am. There is no one there ALL DAY to use dishes, dirty laundry, spread toys over every inch of the house. You come home and every thing is exactly where you left it that morning. I could keep my house clean all the time if that was all I had to do! (O.K, maybe my house would still be a mess but that remains to be seen.) Anyway, we have a housekeeper. I tell Jason I would rather start clipping coupons,using generic diapers, and giving up fast food than give her up. Just knowing that my house is sanitary clean crosses one thing off my list and lets me focus on all the others.

Let me just take a moment to acknowlege a few friends I know who stay at home AND have spotless houses AT. ALL. TIMES. (Jo, Gina Lee, this would be you.) I'm not sure how they do it but they both say it's a sickness so I guess I'm glad I don't have it.

So, I'm off to clean my house before my housekeeper cleans my house.


juliannabelle said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only crazy lady running around clearing off surfaces to be cleaned. We hired a housekeeper soon after Magnolia was born. I had to do some major convincing to Chris to get him to agree to it ("would you rather spend time cleaning or playing with the baby... or playing your guitar???" seemed to do the trick), but since then he has become an Olene convert. She only comes twice a month, but we LOVE those days! And of course you have to straighten before she comes, else she'd spend all her time tidying and then I'd never be able to find anything...

Hope Amelia is doing well. What color casting did she choose?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have a maid, too.
Oh, wait, that's me.