Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blog

I cannot believe I have resorted to boring blog posts where I just record the happening of our day to day. First we did this, then we did this. Blah, blah, blah. Who cares? How about approaching it with a funny story or a deep thought? I got nothin'. Sorry about that. So for the sake of the grandparents who may be the only people who do care about the day to day, I will try to give a little update. For the rest of you who would actually enjoy something interesting to read, I'm hoping to be inspired sometime real soon.

Amelia is absolutely loving school. She still thinks she is there for the sole purpose of her personal enjoyment. But in the mean time, she is learning a lot. She is reading well which makes her mama very happy! (It's about time, she's been getting SRA lessons since she was 3!) She isn't reading fluently at all but she can sound out most any word and is slowly building her sight words. Reading with her is one of my favorite things to do each day. It is slow going and a little laborious for her but she seems to be satisfied with her progress as well. She has calmed down a little bit on this Nicholas boy at school. At least I don't hear about him every day. When getting dressed for picture day last week, she sighed when looking at the outfit I picked out, and said sadly, "Nicholas doesn't like white." Oh no, sweet girl, we do not dress for a boy, especially at the age of 5! Where does she get this! She has started talking about other friends in the classroom and every once in a blue moon one of them is actually a girl. Come on, I only have one girl, couldn't she be just a little bit girly? Just a little? Actually, I wouldn't trade her independence and free spirit for anything in the world.

Lane also loves school, which is both a major relief and a little surprise. I knew he would like it when he was there. But the other day I gave him the option of coming home with me after having lunch with him and he decided he would rather stay and play. That was the part that surprised me, that he would actually choose school over home. That made me very happy since sometimes I still struggle with the whole being in school full time at 3 thing. He has made the most dramatic gains since going to school. Not for a lack of trying, but Lane went to school without being able to say his ABC's or having any letter recognition. He could count but also no number recognition. I couldn't muster up any interest from him in this department. I wasn't worried. I just chalked it up to boys and girls are different and he'll learn it eventually. I have been amazed at how quickly he has picked up on things. He knows every letter his teacher works on for the week and points them out to me everywhere we go on every sign or piece of paper he sees. He has gone from complete scribble when coloring to very deliberate and careful scribble. He will take 5 or 10 minutes to color one thing as he decorates it with every color in the crayon box. Again, boys and girls are so different-this was never Amelia's approach although she could stay perfectly in the lines by age 3. He has 3, mostly 4, and one 5 year old in his class. Today his teacher told me he knew more things that started with a than the others in the class. That will make a momma proud! It has been really fun seeing all the things he has learned in such a short time. He also is very proud of himself.

Owen is our character. He is truly something else to have so many opinions about things at such a young age. For instance he knows quite strongly that he does not like collared shirts and that he does like hats, glasses, and sometimes even Amelia's dress up necklaces. He asks me why? a million times a day, which is often comical but also exhausting. He is horrible at sharing and would rather the toy get taken away than have to share it with his brother and sister. Thank you Aunt Gina for that wonderful turtle toy you gave at his birthday. You may as well have bought him a drum set! You don't have to worry about him getting walked all over. He will give Amelia or Lane or the random kid at the YMCA KidZone an ear full if he doesn't like what's going down. I have a feeling if I could understand what he was actually saying, he'd probably be getting a few more spankings than he already is. He is going with me to Bible Study Fellowship on Wednesday morning which is a very structured learning environment if you can imagine that for a 2 year old. And I'm not joking. They sit down and listen to the same bible story that I am studying that week, sing hymns, and learn bible verses. We go to a little music class on most Tuesday mornings, also. This is the first time I've gotten to do anything like that with just him. I did all that stuff with Amelia and Lane when they were little. It has been fun to get some special time with just him.

Jason has been enjoying the SEC football season. I try to be flexible when our entire weekend revolves around what time the Gators play. I know the season isn't too long and he doesn't really have a lot of hobbies that take him away from the family. The kids have really gotten into it this year, too. The boys both have Gator jerseys and Owen points to his chest and says,"Te-Bow" to every passerby.

I am enjoying volunteering at the kids school once a week. Sometimes I think maybe I will enjoy going back to the classroom one day but mostly I try not to think about it. I like my current job much better. Being a full time mom, that is.

I have really felt the void of my see- almost- every- day friend Stacie. I mentioned in another blog that they moved to Savannah. It is funny how a friend can become so much a part of your every day life and you don't even realize it until you pick up the phone to borrow a cup of sugar and realize she's not just a mile down the road anymore.

Not that anyone could ever take her place, but thankfully the Lord has blessed me with a new friend, Ashley. I like her so much. She is super easy to talk to-very honest and open. She loves the Lord so I know her life perspective matches up with mine. She is a great mom and has the cutest little baby boy, Owen, who you could just eat up he's so stinkin' sweet! Our schedules don't sync up at all or I'm sure we would be spending more time together. But Jason and I enjoy getting together with her and her husband Joe on the weekends. Right now we are totally benefiting from the fact that their Owen is still so little he can transfer at night from our house back to theirs. This makes late football or card games work out nicely for cheap entertainment. Not sure what we'll do when that doesn't work anymore-we'll actually have to find a sitter!

I am also enjoying the nearness of my sister. She moved to Bradenton in August. I know I shouldn't be complaining since 35 minutes is closer than 3 hours, but I still wish I saw her more. I wish she was my see-every-day friend. I think I see her at least once a week which is WAY better than when she lived in Gainesville. But the more I see her, the more I wish I could see her. I wish we were close enough to exercise together, pick up things at the grocery store for each other, have over for dinner every week, etc. Her life is just as busy as mine so right now we just do the best we can. There will be a life stage when we will be able to do more and knowing that is fun.

I am slightly overwhelmed at how I can pack lunches, check folders, go to aerobics, put kids to bed and before I know it, another week has passed. I know all of that stuff is important. I mean, I do consider motherhood a major ministry opportunity and privilege . I'm just saying, as far as doing more for God and being more of who he wants me to be, where do I fit that in? That is, after all, the ONLY thing that matters. Who I am before Christ is the only thing that goes beyond this life into eternity. I don't really think he wants to hear, "But I was just so busy with life I forgot to do what you asked me and be who you wanted me to be." Yeah, I doubt that's gonna cut it. So in this busy, joyful, stressful, crazy preschool life I ask, how can I get more of You, God? Please show me. That is my heart's cry at this moment.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update!! I miss seeing your family everyday/evening:( Haven't found anyone close to that here!

So proud of Amelia and Lane with school progress! Owen cracks me up! I am proud of him too for his independence and knowing what he wants!

Unknown said...

I wish we saw each other more too!
And you're at the stage in life where the kids are your act of worship, so don't think that raising kids that love the Lord isn't EXACTLY what you're supposed to be doing and enjoy it - even when they're being stinkers! You'll have plenty of time to do things for HIm when they're a little older. Right now they are what you do for Him.