Monday, January 11, 2010

To Be Fully Known

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." John 10:27

To be fully known and understood and loved despite all that. I don't know if it's a girl thing or what, but that has always been a deep desire of mine. I guess that's why girlfriends are so important to me, because they come the closest to meeting that need.

Today, I was thinking about how God does that for me and for each one of us who let's him. He knows the depths of our hearts and minds, our intentions and motives. Our ugly. He not only gets what we need, but as our Creator, he fuels that need by placing certain desires in our heart.

I have always been amazed that God knows exactly who I am and still loves me. This wasn't a new realization for me. My Ah-Ha! moment came when I realized that it is absolutely unfair that I would expect any other human to be able to love me like that. And I have unconsciously expected people to, or at the very least, wanted them to and then have been disappointed when they can't. It is no small thing that God loves us in spite of who we are. That is exactly what makes him God.

Today I am overflowing with an appreciation for His unique love for me. I think this may help me love those around me with fewer expectations, more oversight, and with less of a reflection of how they love me.